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Nov 28, 2018

The sparkling majesty of space beckons to the hearts of the Battle Bards -- and up there they discover the Star Citizen soundtrack! In today's episode, Syl establishes that she's not a "scifi nerd," Syp causes an international crisis, and the team comes together to hand out praise to this rich score. 

Episode 133 show...

Nov 14, 2018

Steam-powered tech, airships, clockwork machines, and automata are the source of inspiration for this week's episode of Battle Bards! The team scrounged the landscape of MMOs for music from and inspired by steampunk games. It's a wild grab bag of themes, so fire up your phonographs and give it a listen!

Episode 132 show...

Nov 7, 2018

It's been a year-and-a-half since Syl and Syp first dove into Final Fantasy music, but now the duo is back to discuss combat themes from four of the game's 1990s installments! From One-Winged Angel to The Man with a Machine Gun, it's all the classics you've been listening to -- and adoring -- for years, packaged...